
Children call ChildLine about a wide range of problems, but the most common problems are abuse (both sexual and physical), bullying, serious family tensions, worries about friends’ welfare and teenage pregnancy.
The Lighthouse Sanctuary
The Lighthouse Sanctuary aims to provide a safe, informative and supportive environment for survivors of abuse.
Lindsay Armstrong Support Group
24 hour helpline for victims of rape/sexual assault and their families and web based support network.
Moira Anderson Foundation
Supports victims of abuse and provides help through the legal process. Counselling is provided across Scotland.
Rape and Abuse Line (RAL)
Offers a freephone, confidential helpline to persons who have survived rape or abuse however long ago the experiences were. victims of abuse and provides help through the legal process.
Rape Crisis Scotland
Rape Crisis provide free confidential support and information for women and girls who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives.
Safe Space
Provides a free and confidential range of support services for people who have experienced sexual abuse.Safe Space is based in Fife but welcomes clients from anywhere, provided they are able to travel to Fife to attend appointments.
Scottish Women’s Aid
Information, advice and support for women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse.
Survivors UK
Survivors UK supports and provides resources for men who have experienced any form of sexual violence.
The Sandyford Initiative Thrive Clinic – for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Victim Support
Provides victims with free and confidential emotional and practical assistance and information about the criminal justice system. Trained volunteers and staff deliver this assistance throughout Scotland. There is a victim service in every local authority area.
If you need help right now, visit the Immediate Help page.