Substance misuse

Al-Anon Family Groups provide understanding, strength and hope to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking.
Alcohol Focus Scotland
A national voluntary organisation for alcohol issues. Alcohol Focus Scotland is committed to improving the quality of people’s lives by changing Scotland’s drinking culture – promoting responsible drinking behaviour and discouraging drinking to excess.
Alcoholics Anonymous
A national organisation offering help and support to people who are trying to overcome their drinking problems. Local groups throughout the country meet regularly to offer practical advice and fellowship.
Know the Score
Know the Scores is Scotland’s drugs information gateway providing information for young people, parents, relatives, friends and communities. Know the Score sits at the heart of a network of drugs-related services and organisations which provide information and advice on drugs issues.
Provides a range of advice and information services in response to people requiring assistance with matters to do with drugs and the law.
Turning Point Scotland
Turning Point tackles social exclusion by providing customised community care packages for people who have been excluded as a result of their mental health, learning disability, homelessness or their drug or alcohol misuse.
If you need help right now, visit the Immediate Help page.